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aws gameday microservices madness

First thing to create client nodejs module to interact with EventBridge APIs. Increasing your capabilities on the job requires risk, and how many of us can risk an outage for the sake of becoming more skilled? Im keen this community doesnt use certification as the end of the journey, its merely the end of the beginning. This has had a tremendous positive impact on me, personally, and on ePluss ability to deliver for our customers, says Paul Lenhard, Director of ePlus Global Security Services. Cost optimizing your deployments for efficient AWS usage. Feb 2014 - Nov 201410 months. We used AWS Inspector to perform EC2 instance vulnerability scanning, finding a number of issues with instances that were not appropriately secure. As players complete quests, they unlock new levels in the core games to upgrade the ability to purchase and train more unicorns (and hopefully win more polo matches). Firms should also test their ability to remain within the impact tolerances and provide assurance of resilience along with areas that need to be addressed. AWS GameDay ! We're excited to compete in the Microservices Madness AWS GameDay 10/14/2020, exclusive to AWS Service Ready and AWS Service Delivery Partners, so it will be a true battle of experts. The final policy provides guidance on how firms should achieve operational resilience, which includes but is not limited to the following: The AWS Well-Architected Framework defines a game day as follows: A game day simulates a failure or event to test systems, processes, and team responses. Seemingly every time we appeared to have a steady stream of points being awarded to us, our focus would turn to enabling alarms and bettering infrastructure, yet before we could finish doing so, the points would stop and we needed to turn our attention to finding out what was wrong and how to fix it. Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management. AWS GameDay has multiple game portfolios with independent focus areas and different experiences. About AWS GameDay. This course will be 100% hands-on, and you will be developing a real-world application with hands-on labs together and step by step. Teams engage in tasks not required by their daily job responsibilities, and you come away from the event understanding how previously unfamiliar services can drive business innovation. At ePlus Technology, an AWS Advanced Tier Consulting Partner, we participated in an AWS GameDay event called the Unicorn Polo League (UPL). The experience of such a GameDay hence differs a lot depending on your skill level. Its a collaborative learning exercise that tests skills in implementing AWS solutions to solve real-world problems. That opportunity for focused, cross-discipline collaboration was priceless. With Kinesis, you can ingest real-time data such as website clickstreams into your data stores, or build your own applications using this data. A plan for failure outplays a failure to plan every time, so tune in to get the answers you need to win. AWS. PowerBudget! As part of our dominance of the Legendary Animal Rental Market (LARM), we understand the importance of our human capital and invest heavily in training programs for our growing team of technical experts. GameDay has been a showcase event for APN Partners and customers in the Americas, but we wanted to provide this immersive experience to folks working in India as well. Amazon Web Services Approach to Operational Resilience in the Financial Sector & Beyond. For example, for our e-commerce application we have a few microservices like: customer, order, payment and products. So We will create API Gateway, Basket microservice lambda function, EventBridge custom event bus, SQS order queue, Order microservice lambda function and notification microservice lambda function. AWS LoftKyo 10/29AWS GameDay Microservices Madness GameDay [] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/monolithic-apps-v-microservices-graham-berrisford. By breaking monolithic applications into small microservices, the communication overhead increases because microservices have to talk to each other. It was a unique experience as AWS were collaborating and teaching alongside us for our customer, Basware. People trying to get home from happy hour are depending on you. So the first challenge was to find a name for the team. Add Required Permission Attach Policy AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess, Create Event Source Mapping Polling Invocation SQS and Lambdas, Create Amazon EventBridge Customer Event Bus BasketCheckoutEventBus, Custom event bus CheckoutBasketEventBus, Event Rule with event pattern we will create CheckoutBasketRule, Targets we will create SQS order queue and notification ms target for our custom event bus. In this series, we're going to build a microservices architecture using .NET 6, PostgreSQL, Docker, and AWS Fargate. You simply open the Wild Rydes app, request a unicorn, and then wait for the nearest unicorn to arrive and pick you up. While some enjoyed the competition and figuring out the best way to improve their services, others had a great chance to learn about the various services in AWS and how they relate. An advantage of the AWS cloud is that you can scale and innovate, all the while maintaining a secure environment. Game days can also evaluate other key factors, like the impact of a failure on the wider market where your firm operates. GameDay is a collaborative learning exercise that tests skills in implementing AWS solutions to solve real-world problems in a gamified, risk-free environment. Serverless Event . Yet, in some respects, victory is ours as it was a great opportunity to work with colleagues who are not usually in our team and to build on various levels of AWS knowledge. AWS Partners in AWS Service Delivery, Service Ready, Competency, and Managed Service Provider Programs are eligible to compete against each other in hands-on technical challenges. AWS GameDay was all about fun-filled hands-on learning. The scoring system was aligned to successfully completing tasks, so the emphasis was on quality and accuracy, rather than speed. Most importantly, it is an extremely fun way to learn more about the potential of AWS without the step-by-step instructions provided in workshops or classroom-style sessions. ePlus has five Technology Leadership Councils (TLCs), each made up of roughly 10 engineers, one for each major disciplinecloud, data center, networking, security, and collaboration. With all of the components, teams are graded on how well their solutions are architected, following the AWS Well-Architected Framework. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. It therefore felt pitched in between an Immersion Day, which is fully scripted, and some of the early gamedays like migration or microservices madness. I'm keen this community doesn't use certification as the end of the journey, it's merely the beginning. Turn code into experience @P7S1 and join us bit.ly/3kNWJns. Presidio. For complete coverage of failure scenarios, we encourage you to explore additional tools and strategies. Great stuff Mark. They develop the best practices and documentation standards that ensure our operational excellence. One way to test operational resilience is to simulate life-like system failures. Examples include, but are not limited to, migration and modernization, security, and microservices. These should be conducted regularly so that your team builds "muscle memory" on how to respond.Your game days should cover the areas of operations, security, reliability, performance, and cost. EventBridge send to event to AWS SQS in order to gain power of AWS SQS queue. Game days generate information on people, processes, and technology and also capture data on customer impact, incident response and remediation timelines, contributing factors, and corrective actions. After that Ordering lambda microservice will consume this event with polling. AWS GameDayre:InventAWS GameDay Tokyo re:Invent"Microservices Madness" . Game day participants use CloudWatch, X-Ray, and their own custom observability and monitoring tooling to identify failures as they cascade through systems. AWS Inspector provides events (to again allow event driven remediation if you desire, although that wasnt part of the gameday), as well as a nice PDF document that are often required for security assurance on projects. This helps teams that spend extra time on having a quality solution vs. trying to get end results as quickly as possible. These videos will help you get up to speed for your first new hire orientation. The purpose is to actually perform the actions the team would perform as if an exceptional event happened. In the real world I would expect additional efforts would be taken to understand what had happened, perhaps following the AWS Security Incident Response guide. Scenario:This exciting new theme park, built on the remote island of Isla Sanserver, combines rollercoasters and rides with shows and exhibits. Innovator Island is rolling out a mobile app that provides thousands of visitors with wait times, photo opportunities, notification alerts, and language translation for visitors who need it. This is the big picture of what we are going to develop together for AWS Serverless Event-driven E-commerce Microservices application that is Step by Step Implementation together. Amazon Kinesis makes it easy to collect, process, and analyze real-time, streaming data so you can get timely insights and react quickly to new information. It is a fully managed cloud database and supports both document and key-value store models. Hosting an AWS GameDay solves both issues: it allows engineers to learn spend time with services they usually dont use and at the same time it allows spending time and learning from people who you usually not would work with. You can also combine such simple failure scenarios into a more complex one with failures injected across multiple components of the architecture. Figure 1 shows a reference architecture example that demonstrates conducting a game day for an Open Banking implementation. Of course, well have a few surprises for you. They need your help building their unicorn ride sharing platform using serverless architectures. For example, in our Open Banking use case in Figure 1, a failure scenario might be for the business API functions servicing Open Banking requests to abruptly stop working. We created an encrypted snapshot from the unencrypted snapshot (after remembering you cant create an encrypted RDS Instance from an unencrypted snapshot for some teams), and then removed the unencrypted instance and snapshots. There are quests focusing on big data and analytics with Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and Amazon EMR services. We were supposed to host three microservices, namely swap case- the AWS Lambda module . Well explore how loosely coupled systems operate, and how to diagnose failures when something goes wrong. There is no one right answer; teams pave their own path based on resources we provide them with in live AWS accounts. Just like in real life, your Gameday is not static, youll have to deal with change; whether thats more users or new code. AWS support for Internet Explorer ends on 07/31/2022. Upon completion of this Lab, you will be able to: Understand the basics of RESTful APIs. For more information, check out our AWS Fault Injection Simulator User Guide. Thats why AWS GameDay is such a golden opportunity for everyone looking to transform their business with Amazon Web Services (AWS). The team that eventually won understood the game mechanics the best which doesnt necessarily mean that their services had the highest uptime. For these reasons, we can target specific training needs by choosing the most appropriate GameDay type for the event. Outstanding!! As with all AWS Gamedays the event started with a bit of tongue in cheek scenario setting. Therefore: If I do microservices, I am great at devops. Enable desirable API features in API Gateway including caching, throttling, CORS, usage plans, and API key access. A game day simulates a failure or event to test systems, processes, and team responses. The teams that came in first and second place shared after the event that they worked largely separated throughout the day dividing jobs between team members. Tightly coupled systems live together and die together. Within Atos I lead an AWS focussed community interested in training, certification and working with AWS technologies with our customers, our AWS Coaching Hub. By the end of the article, we will develop Hands-on Labs : Event-Driven Microservice Architecture Using Amazon EventBridge, SQS and Lambda and we will see how to Decouple Microservices with Events using Amazon EventBridge. *To review an AWS Partner, you must be a customer that has worked with them directly on a project. All rights reserved. We had a scenario where our teams had to pick up an existing environment, with disgruntled employees had left the day before. Running a game day alone is not sufficient to ensure operational resilience. The premise of the day is that it is our induction at a brand new start-up 'Unicorn Rentals', a fictitious company who dominate the Legendary Animal Rental Market (LARM) by providing temporary use . For example, in one of the beginning core components, players get the opportunity to see how Amazon Route 53 can be used as a domain name service (DNS) to route users to a website and as a highly durable data store using a private hosted zone. To do this, youll identify and perform failure scenarios so you can understand how your systems will react and adapt and build muscle memory for actual events. Ready to get started? The purpose is to actually perform the actions the team would perform as if an exceptional event happened. It was a slight departure from previous gamedays in that there wasnt constant scoreboard pressure as you didnt get regular points allocation for successful transactions etc., and there wasnt chaos being regularly introduced. Theres a quest focusing on reinforcement learning and AWS DeepRacer. Some of our more experienced participants missed the excitement of the chaos, whereas less experienced participants where able to learn easier, without a fully scripted experience so some thinking and searching was required. With fresh venture capital funding, Wild Rydes seeks your help to build its technology platform with serverless architectures. AWS GameDay was a solid team building event. When designing our application, we will follow these Microservice communication types with Lambda invocations, and develop our sections following these arrows that you can find on the above diagram. AWS GameDay builds upon what you learn in the AWS sandboxes by letting you experience failures and resolve obstacles in a risk-free environment. This GameDay was unique in that validated AWS Service Delivery and AWS Service Ready Partners competed against each other . GameDay is a collaborative learning exercise that tests skills in implementing AWS solutions to solve real-world problems in a gamified, risk-free environment. At AWS, security is job zero, and it should be for you too. Join us for an interactive, six-part series to get hands-on cloud computing experience in the fun, fictitious startup world of Unicorn.Rentals! The closer the solutions follow Well-Architected best practices, the more points the teams will earn. This is way more than a guided labGameDay offers challenges that actually develop capability. At least, that's what we hope.This AWS GameDay is relevant for all AWS experience levels and takes 4 hours to complete. Again Synchronous requests will manage by AWS API Gateway and routing requests to Basket Lambda Microservices that perform CRUD operations. The thread slayers did a nice job of attacking the leading teams more often than the ones at the bottom of the board trying to compensate those advantages more or less successfully. We're excited to compete in the Microservices Madness AWS GameDay 10/14/2020, exclusive to AWS Service Ready and AWS Service Delivery Partners, so it will be a true battle of experts. This includes people, processes, technology, facilities, and information (resources). This policy will not apply to everyone. The premise of the day is that it is our induction at a brand new start-up Unicorn Rentals, a fictitious company who dominate the Legendary Animal Rental Market (LARM) by providing temporary use of a unicorn to ever-demanding children. AWS builds to guard against outages and incidents, and accounts for them in the design of AWS servicesso when disruptions do occur, their impact on customers and the continuity of services is as minimal as possible. Participants are new hires at Unicorn.Rentals and this is their first day on the job. 'Microservice madness' goes something like this: Netflix are great at devops. Get Hands-on Experience with AWS Services. It performs CRUD operations using DynamoDB table over the AWS API Gateway. The first ever partner collaboration AWS GameDay in EMEA took place in May at the Basware offices located in Finland, facilitated by Rackspace. An effective way to do this is by running events in your organization known as game days. Learn more about recent projects. All rights reserved. We'll share with you the range of ways that startups can leverage containers on AWS using gamified, hands-on learning. Community. The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Thank you to all our AWS colleagues for running the event and Atos colleagues for participating and making it such a success! So we thought it might be a good idea to let the devs (and all who wanted to join) discover services beyond their stack. We discussed how using AWS services such as Fault Injection Simulator, X-Ray, and CloudWatch can be used to facilitate and implement game day failure scenarios. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. The AWS Well-Architected Framework defines a game day as follows: "A game day simulates a failure or event to test systems, processes, and team responses. In example, instead of sending request when data needed, services consume them via events. we are going to Create Infrastructure for Event-Driven Microservice Architecture with EventBridge, SQS and Lambda. But of course, the services that get used differ a lot from team to team. AWS Pop-Up Loft Osaka "AWS GameDay -Microservices Madness-" AWS GameDay . This enables you to test in a safe environment that resembles your production environment closely.. Hop on board today and help Wild Rydes build the future of magical transportation! Within Atos I lead an AWS focussed community interested in training, certification and working with AWS technologies with our customers, our AWS Coaching Hub. Define appropriate maximum impact tolerance of an important business service. Step Functions provides a graphical console to arrange and orchestrate the functions of your application as a series of steps. Eventually a group of 35 developers, QA-engineers and even POs [FS1] joined to compete in a setting called Microservice Madness. Technology enthusiasts and huge media fans: For us, the diversity of the company is both a playground and a challenge. But also there are huge Innovations on the Event-Driven Microservices Architectures like using real-time messaging platforms, stream-processing, event hubs, real-time processing, batch processing, data intelligence and so on.Let me recap what is Event-Driven Architecture, Basically we use events when implementing our use cases. In this policy, operational resilience refers to a firms ability to prevent, adapt, and respond to and return to a steady system state when a disruption occurs. This will cover product table operations fully Serverless in microservices architecture. This makes it simple to build, run, and scale multistep applications. This button displays the currently selected search type. To get a full picture of how the different aspects of your workload operate together, youll generate a detailed map of people and processes as they interact and operate the technical and non-technical components of the system. Game day reference architecture example. GameDay Essentials | Episode 1 - Recon (1:01:06), GameDay Essentials | Episode 2: Scaling (1:00:54), GameDay Essentials | Episode 3: Changes (57:46), GameDay Essentials | Episode 4: Decoupling (50:54), GameDay Essentials | Episode 5 - Security is Job Zero (58:31), GameDay Essentials | Episode 6: Optimizing for Cost (1:01:15). On 1st July, a team of Resolver developers made up of both Accord and Consumer members joined forces to compete in the AWS GameDay. Netflix do microservices. AWS AppSync API API Gateway AppSync API Gateway REST API AppSync GraphQL API By Andy Ritter, Global Cloud Practice Director ePlus Technology. Game days test systems, processes, and team responses and help evaluate your readiness to react and recover from operational issues. 3 hosts, 80+ people were high on AWS & microservices for straight 3 hours. We are going to Develop Basket Microservices Lambda Function Code. Ambiguity and non-prescriptive guidance allow teams the flexibility to think creatively as they navigate a wide array of technical challenges. By the way: 42 hippo ballerinas was selected as best team name. However, across the board if you dont establish operational resilience strategies, you are likely operating at an increased risk. So asynchronous communication held by AWS Serverless Eventbus service which is Amazon EventBridge. Software Architect | Udemy Instructor | AWS Community Builder | Cloud-Native and Serverless Event-driven Microservices https://github.com/mehmetozkaya, export const handler = async (event) => {, // 2- get request body payload which includes event data, // 3- publish message to Amazon EventBridge Custom Eventbus with using eventbridge sdk package, More from AWS Lambda & ServerlessDeveloper Guide with Hands-on Labs, if the payment is successful the stock is updated and the order is delivered. AWS GameDay is an interactive, team-based learning experience designed to put your AWS skills to the test, by solving real-world problems in a gamified, risk-free environment. Create Lambda function Order, Basket, Notification. For our customers at ePlus, the only successful way to operate in AWS and deploy an application is with cross-team collaboration. After consuming the event from the AWS Queue, Ordering lambda microservices process the event with creating order record into its DynamoDB table. This is an AWS organized event for our customers. Join us for MicroservicesGameday, a one-day virtual game day event showcasing skills for high-speed container deployment, iteration and identification, and troubleshooting of problems. Downtime of your mission-critical applications can not only damage your reputation, but can also make you liable to multi-million-dollar financial fines. The strategy throughout the day to earn as many points as possible (and therefore beat the other teams) was to keep our router running, to launch microservices so that other teams can use them and route to as many other teams microservices (especially fast ones!) Throughout the day, we faced trouble relating to sudden spikes in traffic that needed scaling, containers crashing and bad app deployments! Eventually a group of 35 developers, QA-engineers and even POs joined to compete in a setting called "Microservice Madness". And this of course affected all teams. If you are seeking an open-ended, and at times ambiguous, style of training then GameDay is the perfect challenge for you.Breaking newsUnicorn.Rentals is back in action seeking to migrate off slow sub-optimal legacy services and onto a faster and more reliable set of microservices. Here you can see the overall architecture that we are going to build in this hands-on section. So this asynchronous communication will held by Basket Lambda Microservice and Amazon EventBridge and consumed by Ordering microservices over the AWS SQS. Create serverless API backends using AWS Lambda functions. Each quest has a different level of difficulty and an expected time to complete. Its better, faster, safer, and more magical. Expect to get a better understanding of event-driven computing and real time messaging, as well practical hands-on experience deploying a serverless mobile front-end and using IoT to send messages to thousands of users in real time. At the end of the day, it was all about breaking out of the ordinary schedule, learn new skills and get to know your coworkers that you would usually bump into at the coffee machine. This is, as the name suggests, all about microservices and their various implementations in AWS. Scaling your application infrastructure is a critical component to being successful in Gameday. Implement REST APIs using Amazon API Gateway. if the payment in not successful, rollback the order and set order status is not completed. Dont miss it! We all know that experience is the best teacher, but everyday business experience doesnt often provide the best environment for learning. As well as providing support to each other on assignments Ive also used the AWS Coaching Hub to arrange hands on training where people can get in-depth on AWS services .The latest in the series of hands on learn by doing sessions was an AWS Gameday focussed on security, where our participants got hands on with a range of security services including IAM Access Analyzer, GuardDuty, Secrets Manager and Inspector, learnt how to secure service like RDS and undertake some event driven security. Also, we did win a prize for best comeback after a somewhat slow but steady start, so we were all very pleased with that. This helps you identify failures and fix them as they cascade through impacted components across your workload. Get hands-on experience with AWS and serverless applications at one of our free, guided workshops. However, by navigating the following process to set up and perform a game day, you will establish a best practice-based approach for operating resilient systems. In the backend, there's a very clever engine that the AWS GameDay team have developed . Scenario: It's your first week at a cutting-edge new startup, Wild Rydes. We should plan our developments for Basket Microservices. Well look at instance optimization, explore cost management tools built into your account and share plenty of tips and tricks along the way. Teams were comprised of 30 of our Technology Leadership Council (TLC) members across cloud, data center, networking, security, and collaboration, all with a joint goal to sharpen their AWS skills and have some fun while doing it. API Gateway provides Restful API-Driven Development and Synchronous Event Sources. Thank you for driving cloud native adoption! The challenges depend on the type of GameDay- there's migration, DevOps, microservices, and many more. Your game days should cover the areas of operations, security, reliability, performance, and cost. You'll learn to build and deploy your own serverless application using these services for common use cases like web applications, analytics, and more. By incorporating these data points into the system design process, you can implement continuous resilience for critical systems. He helps Financial Services customers and partners accelerate their cloud journey and use the cloud to transform their business. Synchronous requests will manage by AWS API Gateway and routing requests to Product Lambda Microservices that perform CRUD operations. Here you can find the main overall Serverless Architecture for our application. X-ray was a service I'd not previously used but it was fantastic for viewing service health, identifying trouble spots that were either failing or where latency was increasing, along with the usual services like CloudWatch. Since we were supposed to consume other teams services, wed constantly had to keep an eye on our services and on the other teams. 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aws gameday microservices madness